Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Mighty Bear (Russian Armed Forces)

The Russian military is all about size and power, never mind if it isn't accurate and always hits the target. As long as it blows up whatever it hits, its a good weapon. The Russian Armed Forces posses the largest stock of Main Battle Tanks in the world, with upwards of 22 000 MBTs. It also posses the largest stockpile of nukes and ICBMs. So if the Red Bear wants to blow a glass crater out of your house, there ain't a damn thing anybody can do about it.

Even after the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia's military pretty much maintained the traditions and doctrine of its Soviet predecessor. This is evidenced by its large stockpile of armor and ballistic missiles as Soviet doctrine calls for attack by masses of armor and mechanized infantrymen to spearhead an offensive and preventing the enemy from forming a comprehensive defence (see Deep Battle). Now, take a look at the Russian's display of power.

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