Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Blogs

Well, finally found some time to slip in a post or two. By the way, wow! I'm surprised that I could get more than 2 posts on the Cbox in a single day. Heh, never was this popular, guess the restructuring plan did work after all. Oh ya, if you notice, there is a Navigation Compass on the right of this page. For your information, all the blogs listed there are mine. So, feel free to take a look.

This blog in particular is dedicated to posts regarding modern militaries, equipments and modern military history (starting from the era of WW1), but they do not include history of ancient and medieval militaries. Why? I guess because ancient and medieval militaries are usually made up of warrior classes (e.g. Spartans, Samurai, Knights etc). You can find out more about those once I opened up another blog specifically for that. Also, posts pertaining to historical generals (e.g. Napoleon, Alexander the Great, William the Bastard aka William the Conquerer etc) will not be seen here. You will be able to see them on another blog that I will create soon (as soon as I get the permission to broadcast the materials) that is dedicated to this topic. Hopefully, I will be able to open those blogs within the next few days. Along with warriors and generals are history of empires. Again, I'm still awaiting the permission to broadcast the materials. So, just enjoy this blog (as well as the ones under Navigation Compass, if you like the topic) for now.

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