Wednesday, July 30, 2008

On The Way To Stalingrad

May 1941, the failure of the Battle of Britain meant that Operation Sealion, an amphibious invasion of the British Isle would be impossible. With the homefront stretched of resources to supply and maintain the huge German Armed Forces, Hitler turned his attention eastwards, towards the USSR. The fertile lands of Western Russia would provide Hitler's army with the grains they need to maintain their fighting formations indefinitely.

Hitler's decision to invade the USSR would soon be realised in Operation Barbarossa (Red Beard). This documentary will take a look at the journey of Nazi Germany on its road to Stalingrad which would mark a decisive turning point in the war that will eventually culminate into Germany's defeat in World War 2. This is the story of the Third Reich and its journey to hell on Earth, the road to Stalingrad.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Well, enjoy the show and thanks DWol001 for the materials. Please support us by checking out the ads to allow extra and better contents in the future, thank you for viewing!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Battle of Berlin

April 16, 1945. The Red Army is at the doorstep of the centre of Hitler's Third Reich. The promise of a thousand year Reich has now become a dull glimpse of the past. Along the Soviet line are 2,500,000 men, 6,250 tanks, 7,500 aircraft and supported by some 41,600 artillery pieces all poised to put the red banner on the summit of the Reichstag. The German Army defending the city were nothing like the victorious army that marched through France just 5 years earlier. Though it was only a shadow of its former self, the German Army, supplemented by men from the police force, boys of the Hitler Youth and the old men of the Volkssturm totalling 766,750 men have no intention of giving up their capital city. This is a story of Berlin's final hours, this is the story of one of mankind's bloodiest battle, this is the story of the Battle of Berlin.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Thanks DWol001 for the materials and for the viewers, Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Warriors Blog

Alright, another blog of Dark Emperor has officially been opened. You can get it through the Navigation Compass located on the top, right of this page or you can reach it at It is dedicated to showcasing different warrior classes from different civilizations throughout the ancient and medieval periods. So, please check them out and enjoy!

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Viet Cong

"Whoever should wish to
seize Vietnam must kill
us to the last man" - Ho Chi Minh
The Vietnam War was the longest war America has ever faced, and the only war where American forces packed for home in a defeat. This time, unlike in any previous wars, America is facing a determined, ruthless and elusive opponent. One that was willing to throw anything to unite all of Vietnam. Who exactly are these people? Today I bring to you "The Viet Cong, Declassified". Also, thanks DWol001 for providing the materials.

Part 1/6

Part 2/6

Part 3/6

Part 4/6

Part 5/6

Part 6/6


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF)

Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF), is the Japanese military of post-WW2 Japan. After the defeat in WW2, the Japanese were stripped of their rights to the building of a military, as dictated by Article 9 of the American-written, Japanese constitution:

"ARTICLE 9. Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes. (2) In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized."

This, however, changes when communist China prevailed in the the Chinese Civil War. The subsequent rise of communism and the Korean War made America realised the need for a strong ally in the Far East, capable of containing the threat of communism, and Japan was to become that ally.

This marks the start of the JSDF. However, due to the nature of the pacifist constitution of post-war Japan, the JSDF was not allowed to become a powerful military capable of strategic offense (invasion). This defensive nature is today prevalent in the JSDF's lack of Aircraft Carriers, Strategic Bombers and Ballistic Missiles. Besides that, a cap was placed on the number of troops that each arm of the JSDF can maintain. This leads to the JSDF becoming a high-tech military with heavy emphasis on technological and organizational edge. Below are two videos of the JSDF in action, the top one is the earlier version, with clips that was possibly taken in around 4 years ago. The next one is pretty recent, I could guess a year ago. Sorry for the quality, you know how Youtube is.....anyway, ENJOY!

Japan Self-Defense Forces v.1

Japan Self-Defense Forces v.2

Oh ya, btw, thanks to dynabook2001 for providing the videos.

The Blogs

Well, finally found some time to slip in a post or two. By the way, wow! I'm surprised that I could get more than 2 posts on the Cbox in a single day. Heh, never was this popular, guess the restructuring plan did work after all. Oh ya, if you notice, there is a Navigation Compass on the right of this page. For your information, all the blogs listed there are mine. So, feel free to take a look.

This blog in particular is dedicated to posts regarding modern militaries, equipments and modern military history (starting from the era of WW1), but they do not include history of ancient and medieval militaries. Why? I guess because ancient and medieval militaries are usually made up of warrior classes (e.g. Spartans, Samurai, Knights etc). You can find out more about those once I opened up another blog specifically for that. Also, posts pertaining to historical generals (e.g. Napoleon, Alexander the Great, William the Bastard aka William the Conquerer etc) will not be seen here. You will be able to see them on another blog that I will create soon (as soon as I get the permission to broadcast the materials) that is dedicated to this topic. Hopefully, I will be able to open those blogs within the next few days. Along with warriors and generals are history of empires. Again, I'm still awaiting the permission to broadcast the materials. So, just enjoy this blog (as well as the ones under Navigation Compass, if you like the topic) for now.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Future Weapons from Israel

Israel is a small nation no larger than the US State of New Jersey. It is located on the most contested piece of real estate in human history. Even in the last century and as late as 2006, this notion still holds true. As such, Israel takes its weapons seriously. Here we will see what new toys Israel's Military Industries is preparing to unleash...By the way, all the videos pertaining to Israel's military history and weapon systems would not have been here without David aka Iweapons. Thank you David, and for the viewers, you may reach him at . From here on out, we'll be looking at other militaries and weapon systems. Hopefully, I will obtain permissions for those as well. Oh ya, please support us by checking out the ads. It'll help a lot in allowing me to put up better articles and more documentaries.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Merkava Mk 4

Enter the Merkava, the world's most well-defended Main Battle Tank. The Merkava (Hebrew: Chariot)is IDF's primary MBT and has seen action since the early 1980s. The Mk 4 is the latest installment of this combat-tested platform and boast better fire-control system, armor protection, upgraded tracks and a digital battlefield management system.

The Yom Kippur War

The year is 1973. Yom Kippur, it is the holiest day for the Jewish state. Many of Israel's soldiers were home when its army, understrength and unprepared, were engaged in a surprise attack by a combined might of the Arab armies. This time the Israelis learn to respect the fighting tenacity of their adversary, especially the Egyptians who managed to make a crossing across the Suez Canal. This war would even boil into the bloodiest tank battle since World War 2. The enemies facing Israel this time bore no resemblance to those fought during the Six Day War. This is a story of Israel's fight against determined and ruthless foes in one of the bloodiest wars of the Middle East....

The Six Day War

Never in history has there been any similar story. Israel in 1967 was a small state surrounded by numerous hostile Arab neighbours. Israel's military was outnumbered in men and machines, Israel's equipments outclassed. So, what was it that allowed this small nation to turn around popular opinion of its imminent destruction? Fighting in numerous fronts against impossible odds, Israel not only managed to cling on to its national survival, it even annihilated the combine might of the Arab armies in just six days. This is the story of Israel, this is the story of The Six Day War... By the way, please support us and check out the ads. Your help will us the chance to bring in better services that you will enjoy.

The Declaration of War

Alright, The Empire of War is a subset of Dark Emperor's Diary which you can access on the right side of this page. This blog in particular is dedicated to providing information pertaining historical wars, modern conflicts as well as arms throughout the ages and just about anything related to it. The Empire at War will start broadcasting video documentaries, release journal articles pertaining to weapons of war as well as provide a place for the military enthusiast to discuss(?), possibly through the comments space available at the end of each article. Hopefully, all of Dark Emperor's blogs could be hosted in a single website in the near future. So, please support this aim and check out the ads. Also, thanks for viewing!