Friday, November 14, 2008

Site Moving

Well, well, well. People, it seems that the time has come for me to

Yup, we're moving site so sit on tight. You can find my new site under the blogroll. Anyway, the link's here and if you wish to check out my other site its here. In about a week from now, all of the darkemperors series of blogs on blogger would be deleted save for one. The deleted content could be found on the new wordpress blog. And all of them. Why do I move? Simply for convenience. Wordpress offers better organization for blogging which reduces the burden of having to maintain so many blog at once (what I'm currently doing). Be sure to check them out.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Israeli Air Force

A short video of the IAF. Self-explanatory.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Mighty Bear (Russian Armed Forces)

The Russian military is all about size and power, never mind if it isn't accurate and always hits the target. As long as it blows up whatever it hits, its a good weapon. The Russian Armed Forces posses the largest stock of Main Battle Tanks in the world, with upwards of 22 000 MBTs. It also posses the largest stockpile of nukes and ICBMs. So if the Red Bear wants to blow a glass crater out of your house, there ain't a damn thing anybody can do about it.

Even after the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia's military pretty much maintained the traditions and doctrine of its Soviet predecessor. This is evidenced by its large stockpile of armor and ballistic missiles as Soviet doctrine calls for attack by masses of armor and mechanized infantrymen to spearhead an offensive and preventing the enemy from forming a comprehensive defence (see Deep Battle). Now, take a look at the Russian's display of power.

The American Firepower

The American military have always been characterized by overpowering logistics and advanced weaponry. This has been evident in the many conflicts that America has fought over the course of the 20th century and early 21st century. Now, view the latest of American firepower through the eyes of the AH-64 Apaches, the Bradley IFVs and the Predator UAVs as they plow and hunt their prey through the city streets of Iraq.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

On The Way To Stalingrad

May 1941, the failure of the Battle of Britain meant that Operation Sealion, an amphibious invasion of the British Isle would be impossible. With the homefront stretched of resources to supply and maintain the huge German Armed Forces, Hitler turned his attention eastwards, towards the USSR. The fertile lands of Western Russia would provide Hitler's army with the grains they need to maintain their fighting formations indefinitely.

Hitler's decision to invade the USSR would soon be realised in Operation Barbarossa (Red Beard). This documentary will take a look at the journey of Nazi Germany on its road to Stalingrad which would mark a decisive turning point in the war that will eventually culminate into Germany's defeat in World War 2. This is the story of the Third Reich and its journey to hell on Earth, the road to Stalingrad.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Well, enjoy the show and thanks DWol001 for the materials. Please support us by checking out the ads to allow extra and better contents in the future, thank you for viewing!